I would like to share a response to yesterdays post with you. It highlights what we all go through and why I'm finding it ever more important to put a little distance between myself and the modern world sometimes. Even if it is just one day a week.
I love technology. How everything seems to now be just at your fingertips. Not sure about something, look it up on the net - the how to's, dyi and video tutorials are amazing. You woulnd't believe some of the stuff you can find on the net. If you can think it up, the chances are, there is something on the net about it. And unlike many people, I don't think it's jeopardised my communication with friends and family. In fact, I now speak to people again I haven't seen for years, who I grew up with, who live on the other side of the world, who I would have lost complete contact with if it wasn't for the net. And opportunities have opened up. But like you said, there is a downside to all of this. And one of the major ones of all this instant information, I believe, is people's unrealistic expectations. They think people can be as instantaneous. Send an email, and they want a response pronto - if they don't get one in 10 minutes, they're on the phone asking why no one's rung them yet or responded yet. They forget that even though there is all this wonderful technology to help make life easier, it is still just people at the other end of it all, and they can only respond at human speed and unlike the web, they aren't awake 24/7. It is a vicious circle - all this wonderful technology I love so much has brought made my life easier in so many ways, but has also doubled the amount of things I need to do!!
This so true. The problem we have been facing since the industrial revolution has been the increase in work load that is now expected. I have no desire to return to the days where washing took all day to get through but as machines have made the tasks easier and quicker, instead of enjoying the free time it has opened up we fill it with another task.
Instead of doing one task and doing it well. We now do multiple tasks, often at the same time and don't achieve the pleasure of a job well done. No wonder we are exhausted at the end of the day.
The sad thing about all of this is the simple fact that at the end of the day when you go home instead of solely focusing on your family and relaxation, the world still wants to intrude.
We are at the beck and call of everyone and this also includes work.
How often is the phone call late at night work related. How many times when you go on holiday do you still get work emails.
I also love technology, this blog wouldn't be achievable with out it, but I sometimes just want to turn the world off and enjoy the sunshine. That's why I try to turn everything off on the weekend and give myself some time out.
Have a great day
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