
Saturday, 27 May 2017


Well here we are it's Friday and the weekend beckons...I smile as I write this as we're in for a rough one.

Wind, rain, hail and snow all within 24 to 48 hours. I know it's winter but really this is Australia.                         

So I guess it's time to batten down the hatches, put away anything the can be thrown around in the wind and get out the torches and candles just in case. 

I just want to thank every one for visiting and your comments. It certainly boosted my confidence to continue. I look forward to seeing you all again next week.

Have a safe and wonderful weekend.

Friday, 19 May 2017


Oh No !! Now What ?

It's funny how a simple conversation can get you thinking. We get used to the inconvenience of a blackout every now and then. It never lasts for long. A couple of hours, maybe 6 on a bad day and we just deal with it. But what if the power went out for longer. Some idiot flipped the wrong switch and now we're told no power for a least 2 days. Even worse the grid got overloaded and now we're looking at a week. What would you do to keep your home and family running smoothly and how prepared are you?

Some homes have gas ( I don't ) so that will help for a while but for the rest of us everything comes to a screaming halt. I wrote a list of everything I rely on power for and found that yes it was just about every thing so how can I continue with my day without too much of a hiccup and without running off to a family members home ( who I hope isn't affected ).

Looking at my basic needs list as a starting point, there are a few things I need to prioritise but more importantly I need to collect the information for each item in one place. So that's where I'm going to start. I might want to live simply but I am a technological user and if your anything like me you keep a large portion of your life on the computer. I'm also a survivor so I'll look at the worst case scenario of 1 week without  power. If I can manage that then a day or two will be a walk in the park.

My first task this week is to  
  • Back up all my files onto a flash drive.
  • Make a folder and print off all my necessary information
I proberly would have a couple of folders for different things to make it easier for myself to find what I'm looking for.
  •  Favourite recipes that aren't in my cookbooks
  • .Instructions on making cleaning products
  •  Personal information
  • "How to" folder with D.I.Y in it.
I'm sure I would think of of a few others as I go along. At least now I can access the information I will need. I will also go through my library and see if the books I've got have everything I need in them. If not I will look around and pick up some more.

Here's a couple that I have that I would recommend but there are plenty out there that may be more to your taste.

Back to Basics by Readers Digest
The New Self Sufficiency Book by John Seymour

Now I can work through my list. It wont be in order of importance but in which I can achieve easily. Some things I will need to research a bit and then practice, practice, practice. There's not much point in having the information and not being able to do it or put it into place when needed.

This post is getting a bit long so I'll finish up for today, I'll have a cuppa and decide which step I'll take next. Let me know what you would do and and share your ideas. Every little bit helps and we'll help each other to sail through whatever gets thrown at us.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017


Dinner is served

One thing I keep trying to remember to do is to write a menu. I just need to do four and rotate them. Menu planning is the best way to save money in the kitchen. 

You  know how much of the ingredients you need and only buy them. You don't waste food by throwing excess in the bin. It also allows you to stockpile most common used items when they are on special, saving more money.

It also saves you time. Knowing what your having each day takes all the guess work out of making a decision. You pop your hand in the freezer take out the meat and put it into the fridge to thaw. Vegies can be prepared the night before or in the morning. 

The added bonus is you find you no longer run out of things and so you go to the shop less saving you more time and money because lets face it. Nobody pops in to buy a loaf of bread and doesn't pick up something else.

If you shop fortnightly like I do it saves you a lot more.

Friday, 5 May 2017


Didn't this week fly. With all the dramas at my place this week I totally lost a couple of days.

My weekend will be taken up with looking at bathroom fixtures and a short hop into work.

Winter has decided to remind us that it's not finished with us yet with a rough couple of days ahead.

I'll snuggle up in the warmth when I can and try to finish some things I've got on the go. Might get to some baking if time permits. I will try and catch up with family and see my daughter.

Whatever I achieve I'll remember to take it slow, enjoy each thing, and stay in the moment just like all our four legged friends do.

I'll see you all next week.

Have a safe and wonderful weekend.

It's a dogs life

Wednesday, 3 May 2017


I don't like winter. It's being cold that gets to me. You know how it is. If your feet get cold your whole body gets cold.

It's not the rain ( god knows we need it ) or the storms. I actually love it when it thunders and lightening lights up the sky. I just don't like being cooped up inside.

But there's a bonus with these wintry days and nights. Comfort food. What can I say. I'm a sucker  for all winter meals.

There's nothing like curling up on the couch, reading a book, heater going and the delicious smell of  cooking wafting through the house. Stews and slow cooking, roasts and apple pies. Picking up the knitting or craft work and the seductive rhythm that comes from within. 

Winter is a time for slowing down. Reflecting on how far you've come and the road ahead. Making new plans and adjusting others. All of which I'm doing myself.

 I'm looking forward to spring, sunshine and the busyness that comes with it but will make the most of this time while I can. I still don't like being cold. 


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